Emilia Esteban Guinea (Madrid, 1979) ha desarrollado su carrera profesional en Zenit Comunicación, gabinete de prensa del estreno de películas como Loving Pablo, La Reina de España, Vivir es fácil con los ojos cerrados o Chico & Rita, entre otras; y en la comunicación y organización de eventos como los Premios Goya, Premios Forqué, Premios Platino, Premios Feroz, el Festival Internacional de Cine de Gijón... Es Licenciada en Comunicación Audiovisual por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Blanca E. Garrido García (Madrid, 1979). Licenciada en Comunicación Audiovisual por la Universidad Complutense. Actualmente cursa el grado de Historia del Arte por la UNED. Bibliotecaria, trabaja en la BPM Luis Rius (Tarancón) donde coordina el programa de Promoción y Animación Lectora y los Clubes de Lectura, organizando también encuentros con autores y presentaciones de libros, entre otras actividades, además de promover la iniciativa “El día más corto” en la localidad para visibilizar el cortometraje.
Claudia Lorenzo Rubiera (Oviedo, 1985). Licenciada en Comunicación Audiovisual especializada en guion, ha trabajado como ejecutiva de cuentas, periodista, redactora-jefe de la revista cinematográfica La Crítica, lectora de guiones o programadora de festivales de cine. Es guionista y directora de los cortometrajes The Clown, En primera persona del plural y RECuerdos y actualmente prepara un largometraje documental sobre escritoras en Nueva York, tras ganar una beca para rodar en la Gran Manzana
The keys, and concepts, to understand and appreciate the seventh art, and its language. Learn the essentials about the origin, and development of the industry, language, theory, and film genres, their relationship with other arts, and the characters, and creative movements that have conquered the public. All the essentials on the most noted cinematography with special emphasis on the pioneers, and geniuses, of Cinema from Spain, and Latin-America.
Did you know that a magician was the first inventor of fictions? Who are the generation of wild bikers? Is citizen Kane the best film ever? Did so many people fit in the cabin of the Marx brothers? Did Hitchcock prefer to give more information to the spectators or to his characters? Who is actually in charge the producer, or the director? Where are Hollywood, Bollywood and Nollywood located? How is the profit cake distributed? Can you go around the world in 80 festivals? Is cinema the poor brother of the theater? Was Paul Newman really the perfect man? What are the three Bs of Spanish cinema? What did the new Latin American cinema had of “new”?
- A divulgative work on Cinema that selects the one hundred most relevant subjects of this discipline explained with rigour, amenity, sharpness, and intelligence.
- With this work the reader will be able to answer the fundamental questions that arise when it comes to knowing, and understanding Cinema: its technical foundation, its origin, and development, the basic mechanisms of the seventh art, cinematographic language, genres, The production phases... It is an excellent, and complete, approach to cinema.
- The work highlights the synergies between this art, and others such as photography, theatre, literature, painting, comics or video games, and emphasizes during the whole text the interdisciplinarity attitude from which cinema has fed since its inception. Its authors have dedicated one of the sections to Spanish and Latin-American Cinema: their pioneers, their geniuses, the names, and works that have set up a pointer art, and one of its major industries.
- Like the other titles of the 100 Questions collection the work has an original format, clear, and very didactic, since it raises all the knowledge about a discipline, in an attractive format with a total of 100 big topics.
- Emilia Esteban is responsible for communication of cinematographic productions such as Loving Pablo or the Queen of Spain. She has worked in communication and organization of industry events such as the awards of the Spanish Film Academy, the Forqué Awards, the Platinum Awards, the Feroz Awards, or at festivals such as the Gijón film Festival. Blanca Garrido, a graduate in audiovisual communication, works at the Biblioteca Luis Rius de Tarancón where she coordinates the program of promotion, and animation of reading. She has promoted the initiative The shortest day to give visibility to the short film. Claudia Lorenzo, a graduate in audiovisual communication, has been a film festival programmer, and editor in chief for magazines in the sector. She is a scriptwriter, and a director of short films. She is currently preparing a feature-length documentary.
En El cine en 100 preguntas encontrará los conceptos históricos y teóricos clave para entender el cine y su lenguaje desde su nacimiento. Apreciará el séptimo arte a través de las cinematografías más señaladas o que han aportado elementos relevantes, la relación que se ha llegado a establecer con otras artes, las formas de consumo que desde hace un tiempo están ligadas a lo cinematográfico, y el cine de España y de Iberoamérica (destacando algunos nombres, tanto populares como pertenecientes a genios en la sombra).
Estas cien preguntas, sencillas pero didácticas y rigurosas, convierten a este libro en una herramienta con la que acercarse al cine desde sus facetas esenciales, desvelando el origen, desarrollo y conceptos básicos para conocer el medio, al tiempo que ofrece ciertas claves para entender en qué punto se encuentra el consumo de obras audiovisuales y así tratar de vislumbrar lo que está por venir.